2020 Busselton Sugito Student Exchange
on hold for 2020 due to Tokyo Olympics
November 2019.
The City of Busselton has recently been advised by the Sugito Board of Education that they will be unable to participate in next year’s Busselton Sugito Student Exchange due to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
There a number of reason for this. As you would imagine resources are going to be stretched during this major event.
Many local schools and their students will be involved with events either before or during the Olympics and many families will also be planning on watching events together as a family.
These factors and the likelihood that uptake from Sugito Students will likely be very low has contributed to this decision.
Whilst the City of Busselton is disappointed, Council understands the decision to postpone the exchange during what will be a very busy and exciting year for Japan.
Current year 8 students, will still be able to apply to be part of the exchange in 2021 which will be open to year 9 & 10 students.
Students (current year 7 and 8s) interested in participating in the 2021 exchange can register their interest by emailing sistercity@busselton.wa.gov.au